creating room for discovery and Understanding


self-empowerment through communal wellbeing.


making space to acknowledge stress and isolation


supporting peace and strength

spiritual sustenance through mentorship


mindfully communicating with respect


establishing a welcoming environment for engagement




Set the Table
Listen with Kindness


Sweep the Floor
Show up with Compassion


Serve AND Wash the Dishes
Offer with Care


Share Food
Home is Shared



Art is a BeHAVIOR,
not a product


Work playfully, engaging nature within and around. 


Create within economies that regard the wellbeing of others.

Open to neighbors with curiosity, vulnerability and compassion. 




A. Allow Breath: Inclusion
D. Don’t Harm Yourself or Others: Safety
O. Observe Yourself: Intentions
R. Respect Yourself and Others: Core Belief
E. Embrace Connection: Recognize Assumptions and Biases


ALlow Breath: Inclusion

ENGN Spaces are environments for respectful and open exchanges. Do what you can to create balance without excluding the needs of others. Allow yourself and others to breathe


DOn’t Harm Yourself or Others: Safety

Programs and events are monitored to maintain a safe and nurturing environment. You will be cared for and supported. 


 observe Yourself: Intentions

Be mindful of your intentions, your actions and the decisions you make. The impact you make does not always reflect your intention. Observe yourself and be open to growth.


respect Yourself and Others: Core Belief

We believe that everyone is good at their core. We believe that we have power over the decisions and actions we take that honor the core belief that all people are good.


embrace Connection: Assumptions and Biases

ENGN’s learning programs are supportive places where all people are welcome. When meeting someone for the first time, set aside assumptions and biases. Be open to challenging your preconceived notions of who you think they are. Be willing to step beyond your comfort zone.